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Coelacanth Links
Association for the Preservation of the Coelacanth

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Science Leads the Way

SAIAB: South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity

WIOMSA: Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association


FishBase Coelacanth Page

Sulawesi Coelacanth

Comoro Islands' Homepage

Lonely Planet's Comoros Page

Comoros Political Resources

Contact Information:

Association pour la Preservation du Gombessa (APG)
BP 1545
Moroni, Grande Comore
Comoros Islands

We welcome your support:

Association pour la Preservation du Gombessa (APG)
c/o Banque pour l'Industrie et le Commerce
Place de France
B.P. 175 et 1009
Moroni, Grande Comore
Comoros Islands
Fax: (269) 73 12 29
Tel: (269) 73 02 43



Old Fourlegs; The Coelacanth
J.L.B. Smith
Longmans 1956

The Search Beneath the Sea
J.L.B. Smith
Holt & Co. 1956 (USA version)

Search For a Living Fossil; The Story of the Coelacanth
Eleanor Clymer
Holt Reinhart Winston 1963

Living Fossil; The Story of the Coelacanth
Keith S. Thomson
W.W. Norton & Co. 1991


A Fish Caught In
Time; The Search for the Coelacanth
Samantha Weinburg
HarperCollins 2000


Fossil Fish Found Alive; Discovering the Coelacanth
Sally M. Walker
Carolrhoda Books 2002

Thank you for visiting the
Association pour la Preservation du Gombessa.
We welcome your questions, suggestions, and comments!



Web site designed and maintained by
Frank J. Leskovitz

©2002-2025 APG