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Association for the Preservation of the Coelacanth


Association pour la Preservation du Gombessa (APG)
BP 1545
Moroni, Grande Comore
Comoros Islands

Welcome to all!

The objective of the APG is to contribute to the sustainable development of the Comoros Islands through the preservation of the coelacanth, Latimeria chalumnae, and its coastal and marine environment.

Please feel free to explore our Web site and learn more about our treasured Gombessa, the coelacanth, and it's home in the Comoros Islands.
President:  Ahamada Mmadi
General Secretary:  Mohamed El-Had Ali Mohamed Kari
Treasurer:  Mhadji Hassani
Financial assistant:  Keldi Mohamed
Coordinator:  Mohamed Ali

Founding Members : Said Ahamada et Hassane Djambaé




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Thank you for visiting the
Association pour la Preservation du Gombessa.
We welcome your questions, suggestions, and comments!



Web site designed and maintained by
Frank J. Leskovitz

©2002-2025 APG