

Postmarked October 18, 1960 |

Postmarked March 13, 1961 |

Postmarked April 21, 1961 |

Postmarked March 5, 1963 |

Postmarked September 1, 1960 |

Postmarked July 18, 1960 |

Captain Thomas C. Evans--Project Officer |

Postmarked October 8, 1960 |

Captain Andre G. Broumas--Commanding Officer |

Postmarked February 16, 1961 |

Postmarked February 16, 1961 |

Captain William F. Cahill--Commanding Officer |

Postmarked June 2, 1961 |

Major James W. Barnett--Resident Engineer |

Postmarked September 29, 1962 |

Captain John T. Purdy--Commanding Officer |

Postmark date unknown |

Lt. Colonel H. G. Weigand - Commanding Officer |

Camp Century and Project Dimos: Greenland--Summer 1965 |

Seeking more info regarding Project Dimos! |
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